I’m assuming if you check the Fan Content RSS and read any of these that you do, in fact, know about that guy who writes SSS. Well it turns out that guy (me!) FINALLY has his own website up, running, and viewable by the general public. So if you feel like checking it out, I’m located at:
Currently there’s not a whole lot posted over there that isn’t ALSO posted here. My two original stories, The Monster They Deserve and Yes, Your Highness, only have a few chapters posted in each. Both of these, along with SSS, will be updating weekly though, so they should grow pretty fast (at least until I realize I’m a lunatic for trying to start with a 10k+ words per week update schedule and end up wimping out somewhere ^_^). Second String Supers will also post all new chapters here as well, just in case you don’t feel like clicking over there for them and the new stuff doesn’t impress you.
I really appreciate everyone who’s read my work so far, especially those who’ve left comments (most of which have even been positive!). You guys were the push that got me to give writing my own stories another shot, so thanks.
Hope to see some familiar posters over on the new site soon!
-Chad Haakenson
Hey now, what about 7RD… you left us with Dani facing a wannabe vampire in Alaska…. must have more.
I have some of Dani’s 7RD still sitting around. Will probably magically appear in its entirety at some point, with potential for others as well (which will be worked on in my mythical free time) 🙂
Alright Chad! new site bookmarked, Happy New Year!
I’ll finish reading through on this site because it’s familiar then I’ll jump straight over. Definitely been impressed by your writing so far.