A Change of Pace – Season 2 – T minus 7 days 2

This is the last Sunday before more new A Change of Pace, and honestly I’ll be glad when it starts again. I feel like a part of my weekly routine is missing and I don’t like it.

Until then, make sure to check out my novel The Harbinger Tales. You can get it in eBook, paperback, or read it for free on Kindle Unlimited. If you like it please write a review. Each one is greatly appreciated!

In other web serial news, you can vote for Two Worlds on topwebfiction here. Check out the latest chapter, and get ready to pick up the first novella in the Two Worlds saga at the beginning of April. I’ll let you know the release date once i know it myself.

Also, my dark supernatural fantasy serial, I’m on TDY from Hell, can also be voted on topwebficiton here, or jump to the latest chapter Choices Let me know what you think.

Thanks for the reading  suggestions. Had a couple new books come out from authors I follow, so I’ve gotten to catch up on reading. Now back to the grind 🙂


A Change of Pace - Season 2 - T minus 14 Days
A Change of Pace - Season 2 - Chapter 1

About BeamMeUpScotty

Hello everyone, I'm Scott. Thank you for taking the time to peruse my posts. I enjoy writing in my free time. I work for the government, so despite what most people think I actually have work to do. Nevertheless, my goal is a 2000-3000 word chapter every Sunday. I'm sure some will be longer and some shorter, but I figure that's a good place to start. I welcome any comments or constructive criticism. . I won't take anymore of your time. Enjoy!

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