
About BeamMeUpScotty

Hello everyone, I'm Scott. Thank you for taking the time to peruse my posts. I enjoy writing in my free time. I work for the government, so despite what most people think I actually have work to do. Nevertheless, my goal is a 2000-3000 word chapter every Sunday. I'm sure some will be longer and some shorter, but I figure that's a good place to start. I welcome any comments or constructive criticism. . I won't take anymore of your time. Enjoy!

A Change of Pace – Chapter 72

<This is such a turn on.> Liz sat in the hospital room with Seth, Mason, Kyoshi, Becca, Anika, and across from Agent Debora Phillips. <She’s definitely DVA.> Liz made sure to shield all of her thoughts from Kyoshi and any other telepaths in the area. “Thank you for your cooperation,” […]

A Change of Pace – Chapter 73 1

Angela struggled to wake. She’d been out like a light. A drug-induced sleep could do that to a person. For just a moment as she regained consciousness, Angela felt completely at peace. The weight of the world hadn’t quite settled on her shoulders yet, and her brain wasn’t processing everything […]

A Change of Pace – Chapter 74

“I’m worried about her.” Seth looked over at Becca. The blue-haired speedster was chewing on her bottom lip and staring intently at the wall. Give her a schoolgirl outfit and she’d be the embodiment of every Japanese businessman’s wet dream. But Seth didn’t think of her like that anymore. Now […]