A Change of Pace – Current Freshmen Rankings 4

Freshman Class Rankings

  1. Angela Martin- Angelic shifter
  2. Jason Cook- Advanced Mind (strong telekinetic, weak telepathy)
  3. Erin Fisher- can animate inanimate objects
  4. Alexander Webb- augments muscles and bones into creature with enhanced physical attributes
  5. Teresa Shaw- multispecies shifter
  6. Mason Jackson- super strength and durability
  7. Anika Kemps- designation undeterminable, learns new powers over time
  8. Anna Fletcher- electrokinetic
  9. Kimberly Goodman- blaster who can control the properties of the spheres she creates
  10. Seth Abney- Broad Spectrum Elemental Manipulator
  11. Lorelei Gilford- blaster (eyes), more durable than average
  12. Simon Skylar- creates a 3 foot gravity field around himself
  13. Blank
  14. Casey Williams- super strength and durability (more so durability than strength)
  15. Ashley Bates- lesser advanced mind- bug control
  16. Carson Long- explosive blows. Kinetic and thermal energy release.
  17. Emilia Scarborough- cryokinetic
  18. Oliver Carpenter- technopath
  19. Kyoshi Schultz- Advance Mind (Strong telepath, weak telekinetic
  20. Jacqueline Eaton- aerokinetic
  21. Natalia Romanoff- paralysis with eye contact
  22. Blank
  23. Danny Mason- Duplicator
  24. Blank
  25. Blank
  26. Blake Rhodes- muscle mimic
  27. Richard Gibson- has the ability to alter his size with a corresponding change in strength and durability
  28. Fiona Richardson- teleporter
  29. Rebecca Whitfield- speedster
  30. Blank
  31. Sean Perez- technological brilliant (specializing in biochemistry)
  32. Blank
  33. Blank
  34. Blank
  35. Nathan Flynn- Power Copier
  36. Blank
  37. Blank
  38. Bridgette Evans- enhanced senses (possible greater body control)
  39. Byron Hanover- tar monster shifter
  40. Blank
  41. Blank
  42. Derrick Masters- Healer
  43. Blank
  44. Blank
  45. Blank
  46. Stephanie Jacobsen- throws spheres of light up to twenty feet

The rest of the class will be filled in as they appear.

A Change of Pace - Chapter 42
A Change of Pace - Chapter 43

About BeamMeUpScotty

Hello everyone, I'm Scott. Thank you for taking the time to peruse my posts. I enjoy writing in my free time. I work for the government, so despite what most people think I actually have work to do. Nevertheless, my goal is a 2000-3000 word chapter every Sunday. I'm sure some will be longer and some shorter, but I figure that's a good place to start. I welcome any comments or constructive criticism. . I won't take anymore of your time. Enjoy!

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4 thoughts on “A Change of Pace – Current Freshmen Rankings

  • BeamMeUpScotty Post author

    I’ve been keeping this updated, but it’s way down in the with other chapters in the teens. I thought I’d bring the updated copy to the top so everyone can see where all the freshmen stand right now. Almost the end of the semester! Finals aren’t too far away 🙂

    • BeamMeUpScotty Post author

      I used another term for her. I just can’t remember it off the top of my head. Just FYI though, these rankings might be updated to points farther along in the story. So don’t look too closely at them.