Monthly Archives: September 2015

Villain University: Chapter 22 1

Chapter 22     Classes and gym were cancelled so that the professors could talk about the attack. The upperclassmen had all had a meeting together in the morning and the freshman would be starting at one. But everyone had arrived much sooner than that and they had their own […]

Echos: Chapter – XXV 3

Chapter – XXV “Guys, you really didn’t have to do this. I’m fine, I swear!” Cat said as the group made their way to the Mike’s friends’ house. Fortunately, it turned out that the house was just off of campus, and since the weather was still relatively plesant, they could […]

Echos: Character List – 1

Sizemore HCP -Freshmen – Maximilian “Max” Hall Characteristics: Male, average height, brown hair and eyes. “Pudgy” build. Only super from his home town, bullied because he was believed to be a powered. Tends to be quiet and is somewhat naive. Known Powers: Generates a force field that can deflect a […]