
About JohnPio

I may be slightly unhinged in the mental facilities

21 ‘Scary Man’ 2

My first hero duty happened in shortly after that, apparently some crazy religious group were holding young supers hostage and were going to kill them as blasphemers to their religion, some new deviation from Christianity focused on the extermination of supers. We arrived on the scene to see a house […]

23 ‘Bubbles’

I hate the mornings, honestly worse time of day. Three years of this and you’d think I’d get use to the sensation of drowning but no it sticks with you over time. I open my eyes as usual see the water that envelops my world, freak the hell out and […]

24 ‘Robots’ 1

I spend two weeks in a cheap motel, living of take-out and I feel like I’m in heaven. Damn my standards dropped so low, so quickly. Oh well who can blame me. I’m serious who are they, I’ll find them and shut them up. Your mad. Mad I tell ya. […]

25 ‘Hive Mind’

This Chris guy had quiet the aim, I splattered right against the robot. But I made sure to hit the scanner with the stick. Sadly my aim was not so good. I smacked the side/front of the scanner which shattered of but did no internal damage. I however practically exploded. […]

26 ‘Confined Spaces’ 1

They threw me in a cell. -I’m working on it, calm the hell down.- No we won’t calm the hell down, we don’t like confinement or small spaces. So work faster or I swear I’ll kill them all. Not if I don first. -Give me a moment I’m talking to them now. […]